TCC Centennial Capital Improvement Campaign
The Edgerton Towne Country Club Board would like to continue making improvements in the coming years and have plans to
upgrade the irrigation system, bathrooms, locker rooms, pro shop and will need to seal coat the cart paths on the back nine. In considering these projects we will need your help and support.
We are implementing the TCC Centennial Capital Improvement Campaign to take us into our Centennial year with a bang! Our hope is to raise $100,000 to help with the improvements. We are asking you the members that have loved TCC for many years to help support the cause by monetarily making a donation to TCC. We are not stipulating any amount as we trust that each of you will give the amount that suits you financially. We cannot stress enough how much we appreciate all of our members and the critical role that you play in the success of our club. The following donation amounts are suggested and were agreed upon by both playing members and Board members:
How to donate:
Please fill out this form and make donations payable to Edgerton Towne Country Club and send them to Towne Country Club PO Box 145 Edgerton, WI 53534 or drop them off at the club. You can also fill out this online donation form and pay in-person upon your next visit to the clubhouse.
Once again, thank you for your continued support of Edgerton Towne Country Club!